Quinoa & Pesto Chicken Burgers


Increase the nutrient density of this chicken burger with quinoa and home made pesto!

Prep Time: 00:10     I    Cook Time: 00:10   I     Serving: 7 people

Main Ingredients

Whiteboards, Dry Wipe White Boards, Cork Boards, Discount Office Supplies - Boards Direct

Pkg organic ground chicken

1 1/2 Cups quinoa, cooked

1/2 Cup kale, artichoke & hemp pesto (separate recipe) or use your own

1/4 Cup goat feta cheese

coconut oil

Inspired Jewellery from Argent of London


1.In a large bowl, add cooked quinoa, pesto and feta to the ground chicken. Using your hands, thoroughly combine the ingredients. Using a 1/2 cup measuring cup, scoop the burger mixture into circular flat “patties”.

2.In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the coconut oil to coat the bottom of the pan. Place 3- 4 burger patties in the pan, gently lifting them to avoid sticking. Cook for 5 minutes on each side until golden brown and cooked through.

3.Serve burgers on a cabbage leaf “bun” or on a bed of mixed greens. Top with sliced avocado, remaining pesto, plain Greek yogurt or your favourite burger toppings!

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